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Get a Professional Email Address in Just Two Clicks

Business Email

If you want to be taken seriously, you first have to take yourself seriously. And that means letting go of the Gmail address you came up with when you were a teenager, and get a custom email address with your own domain name after the @.

30-day Free Trial | Cancel Anytime
  • Mobile app for Andriod and iOS

  • Built-in spam filtering & security features

  • Powerful productivity tools

Business Email Plans

Keep in touch no matter where you are with our reliable business email service.

All our Business Email plans come with a user-friendly app, support for multiple email accounts and high-end data encryption.
All our plans follow an annual billing cycle.

Most Popular


Impress your customers and
make your everyday life easier.

Limited to 5 accounts, you can add more from your customer account

$1.49/mo per email

  10GB Storage

  Build-in Calendar

  50 Read receipts

  3 Email Templates

  Web app, and native
apps for iOS and Android

More Pro Features

  Multi Account support

  Custom DKIM support


  1 Contact Group

  Block Sender

  Grammar and Spell Check

  Email Labels

  Undo send

  Email Alias

  Send as alias

  3 External Email Forwarding

  Email Rules

  Advanced Search

  Advanced Anti-virus

  Advanced Anti-spam

  Data Encryption

  IMAP/POP3 Support

  Catch-all account

  One-click import of
existing emails and contacts

  Turbo Search


  HTML in Composer

  Send Later

  Follow up reminders

  Priority inbox

Paid vs. Free Email Service

Let’s cover the main benefits of companies having a custom domain email vs. a free email address. A business email address not only showcases your website everytime someone looks at it, there’s a lot more to it:

Give your Business a
Professional Look

Having a custom domain email address
makes your brand appear more
professional and polished.

Make it Easy for Customers
to Find You

Your address will be more memorable
since it includes your brand name and
website address.

Benefit from Productivity

Email templates, reminders and your inbuilt
calendar help you work effectively.
Plus, no ads will distract your workflow.

Boost your Brand Awareness

By using a branded email address, you’ll
make it easier for customers to recognise
your brand and set you apart from the

Keep Imposters Away

No one else can pose as you by creating
yourbusinessname@gmail.com. Only you
can create an email address associated
with your website address.

Extra Layer of Security

Paid email services offer automatic
backups, spam protection and no AI
sniffing your emails to show contextual

Get More With Prime

  • Email Templates
    Don't reinvent the wheel for every email. Save time by storing your frequently sent responses and creating templates that resonate with your customers and business partners.
  • Scheduled Sends
  • Follow-up Reminders
  • Priority Inbox
  • Grammar and Spell Check
  • Email Labels

Meaningful Tools for Your Inbox

With our powerful email integrations, you have everything you need at your fingertips to build impactful relationships with your customers and business partners.

  • Mobile Apps
    Access your email from anywhere with native apps built for Android, iOS & desktop. They’re simple, good looking and powerful.
  • Advanced Search
    Find what you’re looking for with a blazing-fast search tool and advanced filters. You can search by email, date, or keyword.
  • Read Receipts
    Don’t stress out wondering if your prospect read that very important follow-up you sent yesterday. Get notified the moment they do instead.
  • Email Aliases
    Want a memorable, public email address to create a professional presence for your business? With our email aliases, you'll receive emails sent to another address.

A Modern Inbox for Modern Professionals

Your business email should make your life easier, not more complicated. Business Email is our attempt to make your workday more stress-free. Read your emails when, where, and how you want.

Easy Access

With a mobile app designed specifically for our mail, you can spend your time sending and receiving emails, not setting everything up.

Customisable push notifications

Decide for yourself what deserves your direct attention.

Dark Theme

And for those who use Whatsapp & Instagram in dark mode, our dark-themed email client will match your aesthetic.

Dark theme

Drive Collaboration With an In-built Calendar

This integrated calendar will become your new best friend as it keeps your daily schedule organised and structured. Simplify your internal meetings and share your calendar with teammates. Send invitations to external guests using Gmail, Outlook, or Apple Mail (yes, this calendar works with any platform). And keep an overview with daily, weekly, or monthly views.

Top-notch Security, Accept Nothing Less

Two-factor authentication

Add an additional layer of security to your email account
and ensure your messages are only accessible to you.

Anti-spam & anti-virus

Our advanced security measures keep your accounts
protected from malware, ransomware, and other cyber

Data encryption

Encode your emails to make sure only intended recipients
will read them.

Unbeatable uptime

Guaranteed email delivery and zero data loss.

Try Business Email for Free

Well, at least for the first 30 days. You see, while we’re convinced that our Business Email is the best tool for your emails, we may be biassed. And we understand if you’re sceptical, especially if this is going to be what you use for your whole business. That’s why we’re letting you try it for yourself and see if its features suit your unique needs. Our 30-day free trial is plenty of time to find out if it’ll be perfect for you.

Try For Free

Simple & Powerful by Titan

You could keep on going with a generic email. Or you can use an email service that actually helps you do business communications better. That’s why we’re offering one ofthe best email service providers on the market: introducing Titan Business Email. Because of how they empowered small businesses all around the globe in 2022, they were recognised as a High Performer and Market Leader. With them, you’ll get a professional, easy-to-use solution for both your business and personal email needs.

Frequently Asked Questions

  • What is Business Email?

    Business email, professional email, branded email, custom email - call it what you want -  is an email address that ends in your business name and not @gmail.com. With  hello@yourcompany.com in the contact information on your website and business  cards, you'll make a great first impression on your potential customers.

    Today's businesses are no longer confined to the walls of an office but move in a  fast-paced digital environment of constant change and innovation. But chances are that  you’re using an email client that is functionally the same as one available 20 years ago,  while also being constantly held up by inevitable website outages that interrupt vital  business communications. With our Business Email, powered by Titan, we guarantee  100% uptime and offer as many email accounts as you need, with sufficient cloud  storage space to back them up. Every employee, department, and even your office dog  can have their own custom business email account. All accessible through a bespoke client designed for today’s internet.

  • Why do I need a branded email address?

    Impressions matter. And with your own business email address, you’ll leave a  professional one. Custom domain emails are like any other email, except you’ll be using  your own domain name instead of @gmail.com.

    Having an email domain that matches your website will make your customers trust you.  Since email is one of the main types of business communication, a business email  address is key to building long-lasting online relationships. So, investing in a custom  domain email shows you’re serious about your business, makes you seem more real,  and will help direct customers to contact you.

    Additionally, while many public email services are targeted by blanket spam, malware,  and phishing attacks, your custom email will slip through many of those nets. And it’s  backed up by cutting-edge safeguards, stopping attacks before they get to your inbox.

  • What do I need to keep in mind when creating a professional email address?

    Creating an email address is pretty straightforward at OnlyDomains. Just decide on the  Business Email plan that best suits you and the domain you want to use for your  professional email address.

    Your email address should consist of the following: Your name or department, the @  sign, your chosen email domain, and the associated top-level domain (tld) like .com. For  your business email address, you need to register your domain, for example, your  businessname.com, first. You can then associate a number of different individual  addresses with your custom domain name. Here are a few ideas:

    ● firstname.lastname@yourdomain.com
    ● yourinitials@yourdomain.com
    ● department@yourdomain.com
    ● hello@yourdomain.com

    Once you have an email address set up, you can access your email anytime, anywhere.

  • How do I create a business email address?

    Let’s walk you through creating your business email address step-by-step.

    Step one is registering your business domain name (if you’ve already got one, just to the  next step). You’ll want to come up with a few domain name choices in case yours is  taken. Once you’ve got a list of options, you can begin your domain search.

    Now that you’ve got your domain, it’s time to sign up for email hosting. At OnlyDomains,  creating a business email address with your custom domain name is a two-step  process:

    • 1. Choose between our Business Email Plans xx for $xx/user or xx for $xx/user.
    • 2. Follow the purchase flow and select the domain name you want to connect to your inbox.

    And just like that, you can start sending emails from hello@yourbusiness.com.

  • Can I get a free business email address?

    Starting your own business is not an easy task. You need to invest time, energy, and  money to make your ideas come true. At OnlyDomains, we try to make your life easier  and provide you with the tools you need to succeed. To find out if Business Email is right  for you, we offer a 30-day free trial. Take the time to test our email client and additional  features with your brand-new or existing domain - completely free of charge.

    Note: After your free trial will be auto-renewed to a paid plan if you don’t cancel your  subscription on time. But don't worry, we will remind you via email well in advance.

  • Can I migrate my existing mail and contacts from other platforms?

    Yes, you can.

    Chances are that your current email client is clunky, rigid, sluggish, and outdated. If you  find yourself constantly bogged down by inevitable website outages that disrupt vital  business communications, or fiddling with workarounds to access key services, then it’s  time to bid your legacy inbox goodbye and make a move from your old email hosting  provider to ours. No need to start from scratch, all your existing emails and contacts  can be migrated into your new email client.

  • How can I keep my inbox safe from spam and viruses?

    When it comes to the security of your data, you can rely on us. With advanced security  systems, we respond immediately to current threats and protect your mailbox with the  highest security standards. All your messages are encrypted and protected from  malware, ransomware, and other cyber attacks.

    Another unfortunately widespread phenomenon is spam emails. These unwanted  messages are not only annoying, they can also contain malicious phishing links or  viruses. Business Email powered by Titan has advanced spam protection, where all  incoming emails pass through a spam filter before they even reach your inbox. Junk  mail and vulnerability to viruses are drastically reduced in the process. In addition, the  creation of personalised blacklists and whitelists allows you to add another layer to your  spam protection. Emails from blacklisted senders are automatically deleted.

Hand-picked Reads For You

How to Create a Business
Email Address with a Custom Domain?

Custom Domain Emails are used to create professional email addresses. It is the domain name of your website.

Should Your Business
Stick to a Gmail Address?

A branded email instantly implies expertise and reliability in a way that a grungy Gmail simply cannot.

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    Create a ticket, start a chat, or give us a call, and we'll get right on it.

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