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WHOIS Domain Lookup

Check Who Owns A Domain Name

A WHOIS domain lookup does exactly what it says on the tin. It asks who a registered domain is by revealing key info about it. Search for a web address like OnlyDomains.com and get all the details associated with it: who the owner of the domain is, when it was created and when the expiration date is.

Protect your domain names

What if my Domain Name is Already Taken?

You came up with a shiny new domain name for your small business, only to discover that someone else already has it. But dry your eyes. Check the WHOIS database to find out when the domain expires, and, maybe, just maybe, if the current owner of the domain doesn’t renew it, you can be right there to scoop it up.

Or, if that seems too much like a long shot, you can get in touch using the email address or phone number provided in the WHOIS record and make them an offer.

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