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OnlyDomains is proud to offer domain registration services for .xyz domain names. A great choice to get online - use it to build a website, set up a professional email address, or redirect it to your social media page.

Just type the .xyz name you are looking for and hit the search button.

XYZ is for leaders and innovators. Step into the future with unlimited 6,7,8 & 9-digit @XYZ names for 99¢ per year, every year for up 10 years.

Classic .XYZ Domains available to purchase from 99¢ for this first year of registration.

The next generation is here. Join the movement with .XYZ

As the most popular new domain in the world, .XYZ is the go-to domain ending for every website, everywhere®. Whether you’re launching a new business, expanding an existing one, or creating a personal site, ALL YOUR DOMAINS ARE COME FROM US.

.XYZ is for you

  • Get your FirstNameLastName.xyz for your blog or portfolio

  • Get your LastName.xyz and set up FirstName@LastName.xyz for the whole family

  • Get your SocialMediaHandle.xyz and redirect to your profiles

  • See how hundreds of individuals use their .xyz domains at gen.xyz/live

.XYZ is for your business

  • Upgrade your domain to a shorter .xyz. For example, FeedCommunications.com now redirects to Feed.xyz

  • Rebrand your business with a .xyz. For example, Apprennet.com is now Practice.xyz

  • Launch a new product on a .xyz microsite. For example, the cofounders of Skype use Starship.xyz for their delivery robots

  • Engage with a global audience using .xyz. For example, Deloitte uses GoInnovate.xyz and Exponentials.xyz for their leadership communities

.XYZ is for Innovators

  • Starship.xyz: Autonomous delivery robots by the cofounders of Skype

  • Driver.xyz: Accessible treatments for cancer patients

  • uMake.xyz: named “Best App on iPad Pro” by Apple for its 3D sketching app

Introducing the 1.111B Class by .XYZ

All .xyz domains between 000000.xyz - 999999999.xyz—a total of 1.111 billion numeric combinations—are now just $0.99 per year, every year, to register, renew, and transfer.

The 1.111B Class is a block of .xyz domains classified for non-traditional and/or alternative uses of domain names. The 1.111B Class has been introduced to foster innovation and creativity. Use 1.111B Class .xyz domains for:

  • Smart device connections for the Internet of Things (IoT)

  • Advanced network communications

  • Vanity digital identifiers

  • Phone numbers and other personal identifiers

  • Virtual currencies and tradable asset

  • Other creative uses setout by innovators and entrepreneurs

To keep the 1.111B Class safe and reputable, XYZ will enforce a zero-tolerance policy against all forms of abuse, including spamming, phishing, and malware.


.XYZ Domain Information

It's instinctive. It's natural. It makes sense. XYZ is used daily, worldwide, as a short, easy to remember phrase. XYZ is also composed of three letters, just like other popular extensions, such as .com, .net, and .org, which brings a familiar quality to an innovative new extension. We end the alphabet with XYZ – we end a domain name the same way.

Anyone can use .xyz for any purpose. .xyz domains are affordable, instantly recognizable, and easily adaptable. It's for bloggers, retailers, and businesses of any size or industry. .xyz is ideal for companies that want a shorter version of their URL, are looking to launch promotions and microsites, or simply want to shake up their image. .xyz is an international extension, so users across the globe can register a .xyz domain name and connect with their audience.

.XYZ Registry Information

Category: Generic

To celebrate XYZ's progress in China and Chinese New Year, we're offering valuable 6 number domain names (NDN) for standard registration fees!
Click here for the total list of the available 6 numbered .XYZ domain names.

Popular Generic Domains

.بازار $33.99
.شبكة $16.99
.机构 $16.99
.みんな $16.99
.游戏 $124.00

.XYZ Domain Name Options

Register Domain Renew Domain Transfer Domain WHOIS Search
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    Having problems with your domain? It might sound crazy,
    but our support team is legitimately happy and helpful.

    Create a ticket, start a chat, give us a call, and we'll fix
    your issue post-haste.

    Or, if you're the hands-on type, our knowledge base
    has just about all the information you'd ever need

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