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  • Registration Fee
    $120 $77.99/yr+

  • Renewal Fee

  • Transfer Fee

.ai Domain Registration

Thinking about registering a .ai domain name for your business? Well, you’ve come to the right place.

Whether you work in a world of machine learning, neural networks and more, or you live on a certain Caribbean island paradise, this page has everything you need to know about .ai domain names. Find out what they are, who they’re for, and how OnlyDomains can help you find and manage the perfect .ai domain name for your company.

Note: .ai domains have to be registered for a minimum duration of 2 years as per the registry guidelines.

.ai is Your Cutting Edge New Domain

While .ai originates from Anguilla, it is often used to represent artificial intelligence. So,with the growing popularity of artificial intelligence, companies, apps, and individuals in the field have embraced .ai to showcase this innovation.

AI is the innovation everyone’s talking about. It’s intrigued everyone, from marketers and developers, to futurists and technology trailblazers. And while they may disagree on how it is going to change the world, they all know it already is. There might even come a day when the computers take over and we are all turned into batteries. Well, maybe not that, but you might want to keep a pair of sunglasses handy, just in case.

But until then, you can register a .ai domain for your cutting-edge app, service, or company that may lay the foundation for our future.

Or you can also use it for a cafe or store based in Anguilla. Either way, highly recommended.

Frequently Asked Questions

Is it possible to move my existing .ai domain to OnlyDomains

Yes. All .ai domain names are given a unique password at registration, which can be used to transfer them to another registrar. On the OnlyDomains website, just enter your existing domain(s) and the passcode, and click Transfer.

We can handle transfers of up to 1,000 domains at a time. And there's no additional cost for most TLDs.

Learn More About .ai on our Blog

Anguilla Domain Name Registration Information

  • .ai Registration Time: ^
  • .ai Requirements:
  • Country: Anguilla
  • Nationality:
  • ^to existing customers

Domain Renewal and Transfer Pricing

Transfer your existing domains to OnlyDomains and keep everything controlled in one simple and easy to manage account.

Please note that in some extensions activating a transfer will renew your domain therefore a renew fee will be charged when placing your transfer order. After the transfer is processed, your domain name will be updated with the new expiry date.

Transfer procedures vary, so don't hesitate to contact our Support team for any clarification on how to transfer your domain(s) to OnlyDomains.

Popular Anguillan Domains

.ai $77.99*
.com.ai $124.00*
* Price for 1 year registration. Min. term 2 years

.AI Domain Name Options

Register Domain Renew Domain Transfer Domain WHOIS Search

Related .ai Domains

Get your .app
Get your .com
Get your .io
Get your .it

Need More?

OnlyDomains has over 1000 tlds to choose from

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  • Support Done Right

    Having problems with your domain? It might sound crazy,
    but our support team is legitimately happy and helpful.

    Create a ticket, start a chat, give us a call, and we'll fix
    your issue post-haste.

    Or, if you're the hands-on type, our knowledge base
    has just about all the information you'd ever need

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