Domains, Branding

Should You Get a .TECH Domain?

Anyone who has recently attempted to register a domain name will tell you that the struggle of finding the perfect one is real. It begins with brainstorming for a domain name that makes sense for your company while ensuring it’s unique enough to set you apart from the competition. If you are an innovative start-up in the technology sector, we got a solution for you – why not choose .TECH?

Yeah – Why Not?

New domain extensions have been created to combat this overcrowding of the Internet namespace. Decades ago, while companies only had the option of choosing from a few generic domain extensions, today they can pick one that better defines their brand.

An online store can be a .STORE, a blog can be a .SPACE, a publication can be a .PRESS and a gaming company can be .FUN. For tech companies, too, a trendy and dynamic domain extension exists in the form of .TECH domains.

What are .TECH Domains?

.TECH is among the wide range of new domain extensions, also known as new top-level domains (nTLDs), specifically created for organizations that live and breathe technology.

It is the perfect choice for those who have a passion for innovation, a drive to disrupt and the ambition to wow the world with their path-breaking ideas and initiatives.

Why are Companies Using .TECH?

Every organization wants a domain name that is:

  • Unique and trendy
  • Short and simple
  • Easy to remember
  • Meaningful

A .TECH domain name checks all the above boxes and also provides a host of branding benefits. Here are six reasons why tech companies have gravitated towards it and why you should consider it too

1. Represents Innovation

When one thinks of the word ‘tech’, innovation, experimentation, and intelligence are other things that come to mind – and that is everything a company wants to be perceived as.

A domain name built on .TECH conjures up the perfect image for a tech company which, in the long run, can potentially save you hundreds of marketing dollars. It establishes you as a young, fresh, and digitally savvy company with a strong focus on the future.

Traditional domain names, after all, have been around for several decades and are reaching a point of saturation. New domain extensions are the future and by opting for them, you are placing yourself ahead of the curve.

2. Relevant and Definitive

Every company wants a domain name that reflects their brand and what they do. This is especially important for startups who are already competing with multimillion-dollar tech giants without the financial power of the latter. For them, a domain name that is communicative and relevant can be a game-changer.

When people see the word tech in a domain name, they will at once know that the owner has interests in the field of technology. This will help them identify companies that best suit their needs and set the right expectations.

Combined with your brand name, the domain extension not only makes for an inexpensive and easily available domain name but also one that highlights your niche. It strengthens your brand’s association with everything that technology stands for, namely innovation and advancement.

3. Versatile

The beauty of this domain extension is that it is as versatile as it is definitive. It can be applied to a whole range of entities with related interests. Here are just a few of the many innovative organizations that have memorable domain names:

The Consumer Electronics Show in Vegas shows off their .TECH domain – on the main stage

As long as technology lies at your core, rest assured that you can use this domain extension to build your global brand.

The SEO potential of new domain extensions has been a bone of contention among domain and marketing experts, and it’s time to lay the issue to rest.

Contrary to common perception, search engines treat all domain extensions the same. Google, in fact, has gone on record to clarify its stance on new domain extensions. This means that a traditional domain extension is not more valuable than a new one and companies don’t need to break the bank to acquire a domain name on the former.

But what does that say about the positive implications of new domain extensions?

While a keyword-rich domain name doesn’t directly impact your website’s SEO, it does yield certain benefits. A relevant and contextual domain name helps people gauge what your company is about even before they visit your website.

You are likely to attract a niche segment of visitors who are more likely to be seeking businesses like you. This could potentially increase your website’s organic traffic and have an overall positive impact on SEO.

.TECH Is the Future

Technology is the future and companies in this industry are the ones who are in the driver’s seat. They need a domain name that does justice to their essence while being easy to secure so that they can use their valuable resources to grow, prosper and change the world.

A domain name on .TECH is a great alternative to the crowded .COM namespace. It is not only an easy choice but also an on-brand one.

Written by Tasmiya Syed.

Tasmiya is a Sr. Content Marketing & Communication Associate at Radix, the registry behind some of the most successful new domain extensions, including .ONLINE and .TECH. You can connect with her on LinkedIn